
The motivation of writing dyplot came to me when I plotted a 10-year price chart on a stock by matplotlib. I cannot see the exact price as the points all became too small to see. I can zoom in if I use svg, but it is diffcult to navigate. There is no way of interacting with data and chart. I searched and found dygraphs. It’s easy to use, flexible and allows users to interact with the data. It can also handles large dataset.

Then I needed to convert some of my scripts to use dygraphs, and I could not find any python library to do that. That’s the start of dyplot.

dygraphs does support line chart, so I found c3.js. In additional to line chart, c3.js supports pie and bar. To handle large data sets, c3.js is not as good as dygraphs.

For a while, I’m unable to find a good javascript library for scatter chart. nvd3 has a nice scatter chart.

Chart js library
pie c3.js
bar c3.js
histogram c3.js
line dygraph
scatter nvd3